Our various Novels in development

We are KK Hemmings; creative writers based in the UK. Totally independent, self-funded and determined to self-publish every one of our works.

Crafting the perfect story suitable for Novels, TV and Film requires a certain kind of creative mind and skillset.

Our stories range from gentle comedy, science fiction, fantasy and horror through to adult fiction.

Collaborating with other Creatives

And when we think we have it nailed, we collaborate with editors and other creatives to develop our scripts further.

Having another set of eyes on our work, sometimes several eyes, means that we manage to create the perfect story.

Great Teamwork

We have the greatest respect for all those that work in the creative industries. We believe in and adopt fair practice for all.

If you'd like to earn more about our works, or are interested in supporting or collaborations, then head over to our contact page and drop us a message. We'd really love to hear from you and welcome all support.

Here's a handfull of books that are currently still in development. Many more are not mentioned here and still being crafted. They're all top-secret so you'll have to follow us on social media to find out launch dates and stuff.

The Body Shop


Table for One

YA Horror Comedy

Danielle Vegas

Adult Fantasy

The Gloamin'

Childrens Fantasy

Arthurs Journey

Childrens Fantasy

